Author Guidelines
SALASIKA: Indonesian Journal of Gender, Women, Child, & Social Inclusion’s Studies is open access, scholarly, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal publishing theoretically innovative and methodologically diverse research in the fields of gender studies, sexualities, and feminism. Our conception of both theory and method is broad and encompassing, and we welcome contributions from scholars around the world. We upholds high standards in the ethics of publication. Working with editors, authors and reviewers, SALASIKA takes all possible measures to prevent publication malpractice, and is committed to addressing possible instances of malpractice identified by us or brought to its attention.
Original Work
All work submitted for publication in SALASIKA: Indonesian Journal of Gender, Women, Child, & Social Inclusion’s Studies must be original. Contributions must not be copied in whole or in part from other works.
Authors must explicitly identify and reference the author and source of any data or material taken verbatim or paraphrased from another work, whether that work is published, unpublished, or available in an open access form.
Authors must explicitly cite work and ideas of others, both within the text and in the list of references.
Submitted journal papers and book chapters must not have been accepted for publication and may not be under consideration with any other journal or edited collection.
Redundant Publication/Self-Plagiarism
Verbatim or substantial copying of an author’s work that is already published or under consideration for publication is not acceptable.
Any wording or data that has been included in another work by the author must be clearly identified by the author at the submission stage.
It is recognised that research data can be used in different settings, but it is essential that the theme, discussion and conclusions of a journal paper or book chapter are original.
Fabricated Data and Results
Inventing or falsifying data or results, or manipulating images in order to falsify results may be seriously disciplined and is strictly forbidden.
Conflicts of Interest
Authors are required to disclose any support for research, financial or non-financial, at the submission stage.
Reviewers are required to inform the chief editor of the journal if they have recently completed or are currently engaged in competing research to that which they have been asked to review. If a conflict of interest is identified, the work will be sent to an independent reviewer.
Fair Treatment
All editorial decisions will be based on the quality of the content and without regard to the ethnic origin, citizenship, disability status, marital status, religious belief, gender, age, sexual orientation, or the political philosophy of the authors.
Author Contributions
All named authors must have made a substantive contribution to the research and the preparation of the written work. It is not appropriate to include the names of supervisors who have not contributed to the work.
Any author who has made a substantive contribution to the research and the preparation of the written work must be named (unless otherwise agreed by that author).
The ordering of the names of the authors should be agreed prior to the submission of the work.
Defamation and Libel
Works must not contain defamatory statements about individuals or organisations. Critical studies must be impartial and accompanied by appropriate evidence, references and explanation. The editors and the publishers reserve the right to withdraw papers which could be construed as libellous. Proof of consent will be required for studies of people or organisations.
The content of the paper must not be in breach of any confidentiality agreements binding on the author(s).
Resolution Process
When an author discovers a significant error in his/her own work (either when it is published or under review), he/she must promptly notify the journal editors and cooperate with the editor to correct the paper or prepare a retraction. If the paper is still unpublished, the paper may be removed from the publication process.
In serious cases of malpractice, the editors may need to post a retraction notice or statement of concern without the consent of the author.
In serious cases of malpractice and when the author does not communicate within a stated time frame, the editors reserve the right to contact the author´s institution or company to help reach a resolution.