About the Journal
Salasika is etymologically derived from Javanese language meaning ‘brave woman’. Salasika has registered ISSN as follows 2685-5143 (online) on July 2019 and 2716-0386 (printed) on January 2020 and is first published in 2018 by Asosiasi Pusat Studi Wanita/Gender & Anak Indonesia (ASWGI). It is an international open access, scholarly, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal publishing theoretically innovative and methodologically diverse research in the fields of gender studies, sexualities, and feminism. Our conception on both theory and method is broad and encompassing, and we welcome contributions from scholars around the world.
Salasika selects at least several outstanding articles by scholars in the early stages of a career in academic research for each issue, thereby providing support for new voices and emerging scholarship.
Salasika aims to provide academic literature which is accessible across disciplines, but also to a wider ‘non-academic’ audience interested and engaged with social justice, ecofeminism, human rights, policy/advocacy, gender, sexualities, concepts of equality, social change, migration & social mobilization, inter-religious & international relations, and development.
There are other journals which address those topics, but Salasika approaches the broad areas of gender, sexuality, and feminism in an integrated fashion. It further addresses the issue of international collaboration and inclusion as existing gaps in the area of academic publishing by a) crossing language boundaries and creating a space for publishing, b) providing an opportunity for innovative emerging scholars to engage in the academic dialogue with established researchers.
Structure of the Journal
- Articles
Five articles per issue. All articles will be preceded by an abstract (150-200 words), five keywords, and a contributor biography (150 words). Word length is 6,000-8,000 words, including notes and references.
- Book reviews
The review should be no more than 1000 words in length. This section will sometimes consist of review essays on a number of recent publications in a particular field or area of relevance to the journal (1000 words).
Timeline and Schedule
Twice a year on July and December.
Publishing and Copyright Approach
All articles must not have been published or be under consideration elsewhere. We are unable to pay for permissions to publish pieces whose copyright is not held by the author. Contributors will be responsible for clearing all copyright permissions before submitting translations, illustrations or long quotes. The views expressed in papers are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the journal or its editors.
Content Assessment
All articles will be peer-reviewed double-blind and will be submitted electronically to the journal (journal@salasika.org). The editors ensure that all submissions are refereed anonymously by two readers in the relevant field. In the event of widely divergent opinion during this process, a third referee will be asked to comment, and the decision to publish taken on that recommendation. We expect that the editorial process will take up to four months. We will allow up to four weeks for contributors to send in revised manuscripts with corrections